Setting up your development environment

The HCL Leap runs within an OSGi framework environment. Code that extends the Leap needs to be packaged within OSGi bundles to run. Any Java™ development environment can be used to create custom bundles, but using the Eclipse IDE built-in OSGi tooling is recommended to minimize effort and errors.

  1. Gather Leap JAR files

    Use the following script, or a similar script, to extract appropriate .jar files from the Leap .ear file. If you use the following script, update the variables to match your system.

    The extracted JAR files are placed in the %EXTRACT_DIR%\Leap_bundles\ directory.
    SET EXTRACT_DIR=C:\temp\Builder_extract
    SET JAVA_BIN=C:\hcl-java-sdk-60-win-i386\bin
    SET LEAP_INSTALL_DIR=C:\Program Files\HCL\Leap Server\8.0\Leap
    mkdir "%EXTRACT_DIR%"
    mkdir "%EXTRACT_DIR%\fsp"
    mkdir "%EXTRACT_DIR%\core"
    mkdir "%EXTRACT_DIR%\Leap_bundles"
    copy "%LEAP_INSTALL_DIR%\deploy\hcl-leap.ear" "%EXTRACT_DIR%"
    cd "%EXTRACT_DIR%"
    "%JAVA_BIN%\jar" xvf hcl-leap.ear
    "%JAVA_BIN%\jar" xvf leap.war
    copy "WEB-INF\lib\ibm.nitro.packaging.onejar.fsp-%LEAP_VERSION%.jar" "%EXTRACT_DIR%\fsp"
    copy "WEB-INF\lib\ibm.nitro.packaging.onejar.core-%LEAP_VERSION%.jar" "%EXTRACT_DIR%\core"
    cd "%EXTRACT_DIR%\fsp"
    "%JAVA_BIN%\jar" xvf ibm.nitro.packaging.onejar.fsp-%LEAP_VERSION%.jar
    "%JAVA_BIN%\jar" xvf FSPJARS.jar
    copy ibm.fsp.core.service.framework-%FSP_VERSION%.jar ..\Leap_bundles
    cd "%EXTRACT_DIR%\core"
    "%JAVA_BIN%\jar" xvf ibm.nitro.packaging.onejar.core-%LEAP_VERSION%.jar
    "%JAVA_BIN%\jar" xvf FSPBUNDLES.jar
    copy ..\Leap_bundles
  2. Create a Plug-in Project
    In the Eclipse IDE, an OSGi bundle is also referred to as a plug-in. Start a new Plug-in Project to create an OSGi bundle:
    1. Select File > New > Project... > Plug-in Development > Plug-in Project.
    2. In the Target Platformsection, select an OSGi framework:, and select Equinox.
  3. Add Leap Jars to the Build Path
    To compile your custom bundle against the Leapjars extracted in Step 1, add them to the build path by changing the Target Platform that your plug-in builds against:
    1. Select Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform.
    2. Select Running Platform (Active) > Edit > Locations > Add... > .
    3. Enter the complete path of the Leap_bundles directory from Step 1.
    4. Select Finish.
  4. Implement any classes and supporting files as needed.

    Refer to other documents and JavaDocs.

  5. Package your Plug-In and Deploy
    1. Package your code as a .jar file.
      The typical structure for an OSGi bundle is shown here:
      If you are using the Eclipse IDE, you can package your bundle with the Export feature:
      1. Make sure the file for the project, which is created automatically for a Plug-in Project, includes all the resources you want included in your bundle. For example, make sure the OSGI-INF directory and its contents are included.
      2. Right-click your Plug-in project.
      3. Select Export > Plug-in Development > Deployable plug-ins and fragments.
      4. Select your Plug-in project.
      5. Specify an output directory.
      6. Click Finish.
    2. On the Leap server, put the exported .jar file in one the following directories or in a subdirectory of one of the following directories:
      • Windows™:

        any drive:\HCL\Leap\extensions\

      • Non-Windows:


      Important notes on directories:

      • If the extensions directory does not exist, then the Leap server must be restarted after the directory is created.
      • /opt/HCL/Leap/ is not case sensitive.
  6. Debugging
    1. If you start the Leap server in debug mode, you can attach your debugger to the running JVM and step through your own code.
    2. Also, you can enable debug logging or finer logging for the package to get more information from the Leap code.
    Refer to the documentation for WebSphere® Application Server for more details.

    Do not run a production system in debug mode or with debug logging enabled. Enabling these options degrades performance.