Send Submitted Data event

When an HCL Leap form is submitted, the submitted data can be sent to other portlets using the send Submitted Data event. The submitted data is sent as an XML document containing all data for the Leap form.

To start events for a WebSphere® Portal page, you must have Edit privileges for both the WebSphere Portal page, and theLeap portlet. Ensure the WebSphere Portal page is in Edit mode.
  1. Click the menu icon for the portlet name, and select Edit Wiring.
  2. Click Settings, and select Consider semantic types or payload type for matching sources and targets.
    The Wiring window opens with the Receive tab visible.
  3. Click Done on the Settings dialog.
  4. Click the Send tab.
  5. In the first “Select content to send” section, select Leap portlet.
  6. In the second “Select content to send” section, select Submitted Data.
  7. In the “Select a widget to receive content” section, choose the portlet to receive data from the Leap form.
  8. In the “Select an action” section, choose the content to be received.
  9. Click Done to save your changes.
  10. Click Save and Exit in the action bar to save the wiring.
    You must click Save and Exit or the wiring is not saved.