Importing data in view responses

Application Owners can use an Import Data operation on the View Responses page to import spreadsheet data into their application. This can provide a quick start method for adding many records/rows of data into an application from an existing spreadsheet.

The import operation is available for application Owners to use as an alternative to keying each row of data into the Launch experience of their Forms Experience Builder application and as an alternative to using the Data Access Rest API to programmatically add the data.

Each row of data in the spreadsheet is imported into the Start stage of your Forms Experience Builder application as a new submitted record. Supported spreadsheet formats are Microsoft Excel 97 workbook and Microsoft Excel workbook (.xls and .xlsx).
Note: Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 workbooks are not supported.
To indicate where in your application each column of spreadsheet data should be imported, the first row of your spreadsheet must be modified to provide data mapping instructions.
The Import Data button on the View Responses page is available only to an application's Owners/Administrators and only active when the following is true:
Validation and enforcement of your applications data types, required elements, and rules are performed on import.

Table data and Attachments can not be imported.

Surveys and Select Many items can contain values that are lists of multiple selected choices.

The data import operation stops when it encounters blank columns or rows in the spreadsheet.

The data import operation supports a maximum of 1000 rows of data.

To import data that has been exported from a IBM® Forms Experience Builder application:

Stage transition emails configured in your application will be sent, so depending on the nature of the emails and the number of records being imported, application owners may want to disable the stage action email associated with the Start stage prior to running the import operation.

Import operations can not be undone and bulk deletion of records is not available. Using some of the following recommendations can help ensure the desired outcome when using the bulk data import.