Adding Stages to an application

It is often desirable to have an application, or form, transition through a set of phases or stages. At each stage the form might be used by different people in different roles. The form also might be presented in a slightly different manner in each stage, such as having some items or pages hidden, or in a read-only state.

Each form in an IBM® Forms Experience Builder application can have multiple stages. By default, a newly created form has two stages: Additional stages can be added and configured by the application designer using the Stages tab; however, the Start and End stages are always required and are unique.
Each stage, except for the End stage, can have multiple stage actions. Each stage action presents itself as a button in the form's footer area and therefore the terms “stage action”, and “stage button” are used interchangeably. There are three types of stage actions: By default, every newly created stage, including the Start stage, is given a single Submit button and Cancel button as a starting point.

During the transition from one stage to the next, there are several activities that can take place: Send an Email, Call a Service, and Assign Users. The Stages tab also allows the application designer to disable or hide any form item, or entire page, within a specific stage for a particular form. Forms Experience Builder provides control over which users can access or modify the form's data at any particular stage. The setting of these permissions is done by the application designer using the Access tab. For more information, see Application and Security overview.