Setting up the C environment to use the FCI library

Although this procedure is specific to Microsoft™ Visual C++ 6.0, you can use it as a guideline to set up alternate development environments.

To set up your development environment to use the FCI Library, follow this procedure:

  1. Create a new Win32 Dynamic-Link Library project.
  2. Add the API include file to your project. This folder is located at:
    <API Installation Folder>/include/
  3. Include pe_cc.lib in your project.
  4. Set the Preprocessor Definitions in your project to WINDOWS.
  5. If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, you must set the project to use a Multithreaded dll. (You can find this option under Project > Properties. Open the C/C++ > Code Generation folder, and set the Run-time drop-down list to Multi-threaded DLL.)
  6. Set your project to output files with an .ifx extension.