Creating a new FunctionCall object

The extensionInit method creates a new FunctionCall object that contains your custom-built functions.

To create a new FunctionCall object you must define a FunctionCall class that contains your custom functions. Refer to "Setting up the FunctionCall Class" for more details.

  1. Declare a new FunctionCall object before you create it in the extensionInit method.
    • The following example from the FCIExtension class declares a FunctionCall object called theFunctionObject.
            public class FCIExtension extends ExtensionImplBase implements 
            private FunctionCall theFunctionObject;
               public void extensionInit(IFX IFXMan) throws UWIException
                  /* Additional code removed */
  2. Create a new FunctionCall object inside the extensionInit method, by calling the FunctionCall class constructor that you will build in the next section.
    • In the following example, extensionInit creates a new FunctionCall object by calling the FunctionCall class constructor FciFunctionCall and passing it the IFX Manager.
            public class FCIExtension extends ExtensionImplBase implements 
            private FunctionCall theFunctionObject;
               public void extensionInit(IFX IFXMan) throws UWIException
                  this.theFunctionObject = new FciFunctionCall(IFXMan);