Retrieving the Function Call Manager

The Function Call Manager is used to handle services specific to function calls, such as handling requests for a particular function. The Function Call Manager is represented by a FunctionCallManager object.

  1. Declare the Function Call Manager before requesting it from the IFX Manager.
    • In the following example, the FciFunctionCall constructor declares the Function Call Manager with the type FunctionCallManager.
            public FciFunctionCall(IFX IFXMan) throws UWIException
               FunctionCallManager theFCM;
  2. Use the IFSSingleton method getFunctionCallManager in the function call constructor to request a FunctionCallManager object from the IFX Manager.
    • The getFunctionCallManager call requests the Function Call Manager from the IFX Manager.
    • The return value of the getFunctionCallManager method is a generic object, and must be typecast to the object type you have requested. In this case, the object returned from getFunctionCallManager is typecast to FunctionCallManager.
    • In the following example the FciFunctionCall constructor requests the Function Call Manager (FCM Notice that before the Function Call Manager is returned, it is explicitly cast to the type FunctionCallManager.
         public FciFunctionCall(IFX IFXMan) throws UWIException
            FunctionCallManager theFCM;
               if ((theFCM = IFSSingleton.getFunctionCallManager()) == null) 
                  throw new UWIException("Needed Function Call Manager");