Changing display modes

You can resize or crop an image so it better fits within a button or label. Adjusting an image is done using the Display mode.

The display mode is set when the image is first inserted into the button or label.

To change the display mode after an item has already been inserted into the form:

  1. Double-click the button or image to open the Properties window.
  2. Set Display mode to:
    • Center — If the image is smaller than the button/label, the image is centered on the button/label. Otherwise, the top left corner of the image is positioned in the top left corner of the button/label, and the parts of the image that extend beyond the border of the button/label are cut off.
    • Expand to fit — The image is resized to fit within and fill the button/label. The aspect ratio of the original image may be altered.
    • Expand using aspect ratio — The image is resized to fit within and fill the button/label. The aspect ratio of the original image is preserved.
  3. Click OK to save changes and close the Properties window.