Re-sizing items

Items in the Palette have a default size. You can re-size items once they are in the form by either nudging items or dragging their edges.

To resize an item:
  1. Select the item.
  2. Resize the item by either dragging or nudging.
    • Click and drag its edges.
    • Nudge items by 1 pixel at a time.
      1. Select the item.
      2. Press the period key on your keyboard. The cursor changes to a two-way arrow on a side of the item.
      3. Move from one edge to another by pressing the period key on your keyboard.
      4. Once you have selected a side to resize, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge the size of the item in 1 pixel increments.
      5. Press Enter to accept the new size of the item.
    Note: To move an item on the form, select the item and drag it. If you want the item to move in one direction only (vertically, horizontally or diagonally), hold down the Shift key while you drag it.