Deploying the Translator

This page contains information on the various ways you can deploy the Translator.

You can deploy the Translator in several ways:

Use the following steps to help you setup, test and tune your Translator configuration:

  1. For your initial setup, start with one virtual server hosting one instance of the Translator.
    Virtual server with 1 Translator Instance
  2. After initial testing, adjust the Translator server configuration by increasing the number of Translator instances on the virtual server until the CPU or memory becomes 100% utilized.
    Note: Make sure each Translator instance has no less than 4 GB of physical memory available. For example, if your virtual server has 16 GB of memory, you can increase the number of Translator instances to a maximum of 4.

    Virtual server with 4 Translator Instances

    In general, the virtual server will become memory-bound (the memory is the bottleneck) for larger forms or CPU-bound (the CPU is the bottleneck) for smaller forms.

    Occasionally, the virtual server will become I/O bound, especially when configured to provide better failover support, which requires frequent reading from and writing to the File Cache.

  3. Next, re-partition the server into a greater number of virtual servers. For example, if your server has four CPUs, your inital configuration would be 1 virtual server (with 4 CPUs) and your next configuration would be 2 virtual servers (with 2 CPUs each).
    Note: High performance Webform Server applications require at least 2 CPUs per virtual server hosting Translator instances.

    2 virtual servers with 1 Translator Instance per server
    Deploying the Translator Across a Cluster of Servers
  4. Experiment with different combinations of virtual servers and Translator instances until resources are fully utilized.
    Note: Your Webform Server application will become more complex as you increase the number of virtual servers and Translator instances. Keep in mind the management of your overall system.

    2 virtual servers with 4 Translator Instances per server
  5. If your Webform Server application consists of several forms of various sizes, consider hosting smaller forms on a dedicated virtual server and larger forms on a dedicated virtual server. Performance is highly dependent upon form size and design, so this will allow you tune each virtual server in different ways. For example, each virtual server could have a different number of Translator instances.
    2 virtual server configurations
  6. If testing and tuning does not result in acceptable performance, adjust your configuration as follows:
    • If virtual servers are memory-bound, increase the amount of memory for the virtual server by adding physical memory to the server. Continue increasing the amount of physical memory until memory utilization falls just less than 100 percent.
    • If virtual servers are CPU-bound, add more CPUs to the server or deploy an additional server for hosting Translator instances.