Cleaning and Synchronizing the Form Cache

The fcTimerDelay property determines how frequently the form cache is cleaned and synchronized with the disk cache.

To change the file cache size:

  1. Determine how frequently your form cache needs to be cleaned and synchronized.
  2. Open the WebSphere® Application Server Administrative console, go to Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers.
    Note: Stopping the Translator server is not required to make changes to the Forms_TranslatorConfiguration properties.
  3. Click Forms_TranslatorConfiguration.
  4. From the Additional Properties menu on the right, select Custom properties.
  5. Search for the fcTimerDelay variable and update its setting.
    Note: If the fcTimerDelay property does not appear on the first page of Custom properties, click the arrow in the table footer to advance to the next page of properties.
  6. Click OK to save the change.
    A “Messages” window opens reminding you to Save the changes to the property file.
  7. Restart the Translator Server to apply your changes.