Default sizes of items

The following table shows the default basic item and bounding box sizes:

Item Default Item Size Bounding Box Size
box width: 1 character

height: 1 character

Smaller than 1 not allowed in either dimension

Same as default item size
button width: width of text

height: height of text (text is the value option)

or size of embedded image if it exists

Same as default item size
check width: 1 character

height: 1 character

width: larger of 1 character or label width

height: label height plus 1 character

checkgroup width: width checkgroup contents plus 6 pixels (for default locations, this is the width of the widest check label, plus the width of the check box, plus 6 pixels)

height: the height of the checkgroup contents plus 6 pixels (for default locations, this is 1 character for each check in the group, plus 5 pixels between each check, plus 6 pixels)

Same as default item size
combobox width: larger of label width and widest cell 3

height: 1 character

Same as default item size 2
field width: 30 characters

height: 1 character

width: larger of item width and label width 2

height: height of item plus height of label 2

label width: 1 character if label empty, otherwise label width

height: 1 character if label empty, otherwise label height

or size of embedded image if it exists

Same as default item size
line width: 30 character

height: 1 pixel

One dimension must be 0 1

Same as default item size
list width: larger of label width and widest cell 3

height: number of cells in list

width: larger of item width and widest cell 2

height: height of item plus height of label

pane width: the width of the pane contents, plus 6 pixels

height: the height of the pane contents, plus 6 pixels

Same as default item size
popup width: larger of label width and widest cell 3

height: 1 character

Same as default item size 2
radio width: 1 character

height: 1 character

width: larger of 1 character or label width

height: label height plus 1 character

radiogroup width: width radiogroup contents plus 6 pixels (for default locations, this is the width of the widest radio label, plus the width of the radio button, plus 6 pixels)

height: the height of the radiogroup contents plus 6 pixels (for default locations, this is 1 character for each radio in the group, plus 5 pixels between each radio, plus 6 pixels)

Same as default item size
slider width: 20 characters

height: 3 characters

spacer width: 1 character if label empty, otherwise label width

height: 1 character if label empty, otherwise label height

(label is invisible)

Same as default item size
table width: the width of the table contents plus 6 pixels

height: the height of the table contents, plus 1 pixel for each relevant row, plus 6 pixels

Same as default item size

Usage details

  1. For line items, either height or width must be set to zero. The thickness option specifies the thickness (in pixels) of the line in the dimension containing zero (0).
  2. This includes a scroll bar if one appears.
  3. The cell's width comes from the cell's value option setting.