
Records the position of the mouse pointer on an image. The image must exist in a button item. The recording occurs when a user selects (i.e. clicks) the button using the mouse pointer.

The position is an intersection on an unseen grid overlaying the image. The points along each axis of the grid range from zero (0) through 1000 with position 0,0 occurring in the button's top left corner. The coordinates map the intersection closest to the mouse pointer's position.

This option is not saved or transmitted as part of the form. Instead, it is automatically created each time the form is read into memory, and is maintained only during display or processing.


Table 1. coordinates parameters
Parameter Type Description
X_coordinate coordinate The coordinate on the X axis.
Y_coordinate coordinate The coordinate on the Y axis.

Available in



When a user clicks on a button containing an image, a coordinates option is inserted into the button item. The following coordinates option sets a position of 180 on the x-axis and 255 on the y-axis.


Usage details

  1. Default: none