<custom option>

Allows form designers to add application specific information to the form definition. This is useful when submitting forms to applications requiring non-XFDL information.

An example of non-XFDL information might be an SQL query statement. Custom options must not be in the XFDL namespace.


   <option xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/XFDL/Custom">
      <!-- Arbitrary XML content -->


This sample shows a custom option containing an SQL query.

      <!-- Content describing an SQL query -->

This XML could be included in the definition of an item that triggers a form submission. Since the internal content can use XFDL computes to populate the query based on form content from the user, the server-side processing would be able to perform a proper query and have the results used to populate a response form.

Usage details

  1. The naming conventions for a custom option are as follows:
    • Custom options can have computed values by using the XFDL compute attribute, which must be qualified with a namespace prefix associated with the XFDL namespace URI.
    • In order to make the XML content addressable by the XFDL compute system, the tag names of the custom option and any elements within it must conform to the XFDL syntax for a scope identifier.