
Delays the execution of an automatic action or specifies an automatic action repeat factor.

Repeated actions stop when the page containing the action definition closes. Define automatic actions using an action item.


Table 1. delay parameters
Parameter Type Description
repeatFactor repeat Queue the action to repeat at the <interval> specified.
  once Perform the action once after the <interval> specified.
interval integer The frequency of repeated actions or the delay before performing single occurrence actions. The unit of measurement is seconds.
  -1 Perform the action before the page displays. Only valid with a repeat factor of once.

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This sample sets the action to occur once, 15 minutes (900 seconds) after the page opens.


Usage details

  1. Defaults:
    • repeat factor:once
    • interval: zero seconds
  2. This means the action will occur when the page appears.
  3. Repeating automatic actions is one method of creating a sparse-stated connection. It allows the form to indicate periodically to a server application that it is still running.
  4. All actions with the same interval occur in the order they are defined in the page.
  5. The page does not display while actions with an interval of -1 are running.