
Defines if an object is drawn on a form. If it is not, it takes up no space on the form.

The position of items on the form can be precisely controlled and are often affected by the position of other items. Setting the visibility of an item can be done by either setting the visible or display options.
  • If the property option visible is set off, the item is not visible in the Viewer but still takes up room on the form. A blank space remains on the form where it was positioned.
  • If an items has the option display set to off , the item is not visible in the Viewer and does not take up room on the form if another relative aligned item is in the build order. As a result, the next relative aligned item in the build older is positioned in it's place and space is saved on the form.

This option is useful for creating collapsing sections in a form.


Table 1. display parameters
Parameter Type Description
status string Toggle on or off the display of items on the screen and in print. Reposition items on the form. The default value is on.

Available in

box, button, check, combobox, field, label, line, list, popup, radio, richtext, signature, slider, table, toolbar.


The following example uses two fields and a label. All items are relatively aligned. FIELD1 has its property option display set to off. As a result, FIELD2 is repositioned with LABEL2 in the position FIELD1 would normally fill when viewed in the Viewer.

 <label sid="LABEL2">
   <value>Relative Position - display off</value>
 <field sid="FIELD1">
 <field sid="FIELD2">

Usage details

  1. The default value is on.
  2. Valid values are on and off.
    • The value on sets the item as visible. The bounding box is calculated in the layout of the form.
    • The value off sets the item as invisible. The form layout is affected. The item's position may then be used by another item on the form.
  3. Form layout is affected on the screen and in print.