
Specifies which item in the page currently has the focus.

This option is not saved or transmitted as part of the form. Instead, it is automatically created each time the form is read into memory, and is maintained only during display or processing.


Table 1. focuseditem parameters
Parameter Type Description
sid string The sid of the item that currently has the focus.

Available in

page global


The following example shows a label that uses a compute to set its value. The compute copies the name of the item that currently has the focus from the focuseditem option. The label then displays this name.

   <label sid="itemWithFocus">
      <value compute="></value>

Usage details

  1. When the page changes, the focuseditem for the previous page is set to empty. For example, if the user changed from “PAGE1” to “PAGE2”, the focuseditem option for “PAGE1” would be set to an empty string.
  2. The focuseditem option is maintained by the form viewing application, and is not included in form descriptions that are saved or transmitted.