
Defines the character set, font name, point size, and font characteristics for the text portion of an item. Note that the font selected for an item influences the item's size.


      <fontname>font name</fontname>
      <size>point size</size>
Note: fontname and size must appear first, and in the order shown.
Table 1. fontinfo parameters
Parameter Type Description
font name string The name of the font.
point size unsigned byte The size of the font.
effect string Can be any of the following:
  • plain – Use plain face font.
  • bold – Use bold face font.
  • underline – Use underlined font.
  • italic – Use italic font.

Available in

box, button, check, combobox, field, label, line, list, popup, radio, richtext, slider, spacer, page global, form global


This sample sets the font information to Times 14, bold italic:


Usage details

  1. Defaults first to the page setting for fontinfo, then to the global setting for fontinfo. If neither setting exists, then the defaults are: Helvetica, 8, plain.
  2. If any of the fontinfo settings are invalid, then the defaults will be used.
  3. The size option calculates item size using the font's average character width. Therefore, choice of font affects item width.
  4. XFDL supports the following fonts and font sizes:
    • Fonts: Courier, Times, Symbol (symbol), Helvetica, and Palatino.
    • Sizes: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 24, 36, 48.
  5. Other fonts and font sizes may be used. However, especially for cross-platform Internet applications, it is best to choose from the ones cited previously since they are guaranteed to work.