
Provides a way of associating related items. There are two ways of using this option. In the first case, it enables you to create groups of cells or radio buttons. In the second case, the group option enables you to populate lists, popups, and comboboxes by referencing a group of cells. Items with the same group reference are considered members of the same group.


   <group>group reference</group>
Table 1. group parameters
Parameter Type Description
group reference string identifies the group. Can be one of:
  • group_name for groups on the current page
  • page_sid.group_name for groups on other pages

Available In

cell, combobox, display, list, popup, radio


In the following sample, the group option creates a group called “LIST1_GROUP” containing the cell items “CELL1” and “CELL2”.

   <cell sid="CELL1">
   <cell sid="CELL2">

In the following code, the group option is used to populate the list item with the cells from the preceding sample.

   <list sid="LIST1">

Usage details

  1. Default: none
  2. The association of cells or radio buttons into groups cannot span multiple pages. That is, all the cells or radio buttons assigned to a given group must belong to the same page. On the other hand, you are allowed to populate a list, popup, or combobox with a group of cells defined on another page, as long as you specify the page sid in the group reference.
  3. List and popup items are populated with cells that have the same group reference as the item. It is possible to have multiple list and popup items with the same group reference. In this way, the same group of cells can populate more than one list or popup.
  4. All radio items having the same group reference will form a mutually exclusive group.