
Associates an image with an item. The item reference identifies the data item containing the image. This image replaces any text label if the viewer is able to display images.


   <image>item reference</image>
Table 1. image parameters
Parameter Type Description
item reference string identifies the data item

Available In

button, label


This sample points to the data item company_logo defined on the page called page_lst.


Usage details

  1. Default: none
  2. Use this option to associate images with button and label items.
  3. If an enclosure mechanism is used to replace an image stored in a data item with a new image, then buttons and labels whose image option is set to the identifier of the image data item will be updated to display the new image. For details, see the data option description.
  4. Use the imagemode option to control the display behavior of the image.
  5. Before using images on your forms, you should consider the type, quantity, and size of the images you include on your forms. Images can make a form larger and therefore slower to transmit, as well as have increased storage requirements. To help keep your images small, most graphics editing applications provide you with the ability to reduce file size by reducing the number of colors, reducing the resolution, altering the compression, or changing to either black and white or gray scale.

    XFDL supports the following image formats:

    • Bitmap (.bmp)
    • Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpeg)
    • Portable Network Graphics (.png)
    • Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
    • Transparency or animation are not supported.
    • GIF graphic formats support only the 89 format. This does not include the 89a format.
    • Interlaced GIFs are supported.
    • PNG graphic formats using Alpha Channel data are not supported.
    • Progressive JPEG is not supported.
  6. Refer to the xforms:output topic for more details about how to add an image obtained from the XForms data layer.