
Identifies the last item in a repeat, group, or switch. This is the item that receives the focus when the user tabs backward into a group, a particular case, or a new row in a repeat.

This option affects the tab order in the following ways:


   <last>item reference</last>
Table 1. last parameters
Parameter Type Description
item reference string An XFDL reference to the last item in the last row of a table or the last item in a pane.

Available in

pane, table


The last option contains a reference to the first item in the table row. In this case, if the user tabs backward into the table, the focus goes to the quantity (Qty) field on the last row. When the user tabs to the previous row, the focus goes to the quantity field in that row.

   <table sid="itemsTable">
      <xforms:repeat nodeset="order/row">
         <field sid="Qty">
            <xforms:input ref="qty">
         <popup sid="Product">
            <xforms:select1 appearance="minimal" ref="product">
               <xforms:label>Choose product</xforms:label>
         <label sid="LineTotal">
            <xforms:output ref="lineTotal"/>

Usage details

  1. Default: last item in the build order of a repeat, group, or case
  2. When a page contains an xforms:switch, this option is not effective unless all cases contain an element with the same sid that is identified as last.