
Controls the default item placement on the form. It allows you to set items either under or with other items.

This is useful in check groups, radio groups and tables to control whether the content of the group is displayed vertically or horizontally.


Table 1. layoutflow parameters
Parameter Type Description
flow string
Valid values are block and inline.
  • The value inline sets the left and top edges to the "after" placement relative to previous layout items. The result is horizontal positioning of items.
  • The value block sets the left and top edges to the "under" placement relative to previous layout items. The result is vertical positioning of items.

Available in

box, button, check, checkgroup, combobox, field, label, line, list, pane, popup, radio, radiogroup, richtext, table


The following example displays two sets of check boxes. The first set of check boxes defaults to inline. As a result the check boxes, with labels positioned above them, are aligned to the right of each other. The second set of check boxes are set to block. As a result, the check boxes are aligned after each other.

      <check sid="CHECK1">
      <check sid="CHECK2">
      <check sid="CHECK3">
      <check sid="CHECK5">
      <label sid="LABEL1">          
      <check sid="CHECK4">
      <label sid="LABEL2">          

Usage details

  1. Default is dependent on the following conditions:
    • The default block flow is applied to Table, Pane, and the contents of Checkgroups, and Radiogroups.
    • The default inline flow is applied to all other items.
  2. itemlocation overrides layoutflow. Delete itemlocation coordinate values to control the flow of items. You do not need to delete itemlocation settings that affect height and width, only those that affect location.