
Identifies the item to receive focus when a user tabs ahead from the current item.

If a user tabs ahead from the last item on the page, the tab cycles within the same page, beginning with the first item on the page. Only modifiable or readonly items can receive focus.


   <next>item reference</next>
Table 1. next parameters
Parameter Type Description
item reference string identifies the item to receive focus next

Available in

button, check, checkgroup, combobox, field, list, popup, radio, radiogroup, richtext, slider, page global


This sample points to the item “address_field”. When users tab ahead from the current item, the item identified as “address_field” will receive focus.


Usage details

  1. Default: none
  2. The first page defined in the form is always the first page displayed. The default tabbing order depends on the order in which page and item definitions occur within the form definition. The sequence is as follows:
    • First item to receive focus: first modifiable item defined for the body of the first page
    • Subsequent items to receive focus: each modifiable item on the page in the order in which they are defined
  3. If the last item on the page is tabbed past, the first modifiable item in the page's toolbar receives focus. If there is no toolbar, focus returns to the first item.
  4. Placing next in page globals defines the first item to receive focus when the page appears.
  5. If the next option identifies page globals, focus moves to the item defined to receive focus when the page appears. The page globals reference is global for the current page or for another page.