
Determines which pages are loaded into memory when a form is opened. Subsequent pages are loaded into memory as required. For example, when the user moves to the next page in the form.

Using page loading can significantly decrease the amount of time it takes to open a form, particularly when dealing with large, complex forms. However, it may slightly increase the amount of time required to switch to a new page.


Table 1. pageloading parameters
Parameter Type Description
setting enable Activates page loading, so that only the first page is loaded into memory when the form is opened. Pages specified in autoload are also loaded into memory.

Default: disable

  disable Disables page loading, so that all form pages are loaded into memory when the form is opened.
reference string Optional. A space-separated list of page identifiers that identify which pages should be loaded into memory.
action string Optional. A space-separated list of action types that require all of the form pages to be loaded into memory before performing. The supported action types are: submit, done, print, saveform, saveas, and signature.

If you wish to perform any of these actions in the form, they should be contained in this list.

Available in

form global (globalpage)


The following example enables page loading and specifies that PAGE1 and workingPage should be loaded into memory when the form is opened. This sample also requires all of the unused pages to be loaded into memory before actions of type submit and signature are performed.

<globalpage sid="global">
   <global sid="global">
         <autoload>PAGE1 workingPage</autoload>
         <loadallbefore>submit signature</loadallbefore>

Usage details

  1. The global page is always attached.
  2. If a page is not loaded into memory, its computes, formats, and XForms item construction (such as tables) are not available for use.
  3. XFDL references to content on an unloaded (or “detached”) page return static content. Dynamic content or content changed by computes, are not returned.
  4. Controlled options such as pagenext and pageprevious are processed for detached pages.
  5. Digital signatures and sids of all elements in both loaded (or “attached”) and detached pages are available when the form is opened.
  6. Detached pages that need to be printed are automatically loaded before printing.
  7. Form layout and overlap tests are only performed on attached pages.
  8. Form level operations, such as validity checking, only operate on attached pages.
  9. When a new digital signature is created, pages with elements included in the layoutinfo option are automatically loaded.