
Stores a reference to the global item in the next page in the form, excluding the global page.

A page is next when it appears next in the build order (in other words, it is next in the XFDL text).

This option is not saved or transmitted as part of the form. Instead, it is automatically created each time the form is read into memory, and is maintained only during display or processing.


   <pagenext>page reference</pagenext>
Table 1. pagenext parameters
Parameter Type Description
page reference string A reference to the global option in the next page of a form. this does not include the form's global page.

Available in

page global


This example shows the pagenext option for PAGE2 of a form.

   <page sid="PAGE2">
      <global sid="">

Usage details

  1. Defaults: none
  2. The pagenext option stores a reference to the global item of the next page. For example, PAGE1 might contain the following reference:
  3. If the pagenext option is on the last page of the form, it points to the first page of the form (excluding the global page).
  4. The pagenext option is not saved or transmitted with form descriptions.