
Defines the space between each table row.


Table 1. rowpaddingSpecification parameter
Parameter Type Description
number integer The number of pixels to move the rows closer or further apart. A negative number shifts the rows upward. A positive number shifts the rows downward. The default value is 1. Valid values are integers (all positive numbers, 0, -1, -2). See the table under for more information.
Table 2. list of results of setting values for items with or without border set to on
Settings With border Without Border
-2 n/a 2 pixels
-1 n/a 4 pixels
0 0 pixels 6 pixels
1 2 pixels 8 pixels
2 4 pixels 10 pixels
+n +(n * 2 pixels) +(n * 2 pixels)
Note: If bgcolor is applied to items without their border displayed, 2 pixels of the above results will be shaded.

Available in



This is an example of a compact table.

<table sid="TABLE1_TABLE">
   <xforms:repeat id="TABLE1" nodeset="instance('INSTANCE')/table1/row">
      <pane sid="ROW_GROUP">
      <xforms:group ref=".">
         ... ITEMS ...

Usage details

  1. The default value is 1.
  2. When a row is made smaller by this option, the items in the row are not clipped.