
Specifies the format a form will be saved in. An XFDL form may be saved as XFDL compressed or uncompressed formats.

The format works as follows:


   <saveformat>MIME type</saveformat>
Table 1. saveformat parameter
Parameter Type Description
MIME type application/vnd.xfdl use XFDL format
  application/vnd.xfdl;content-encoding="base64-gzip" use compressed XFDL format

Available in

action, button, cell, page global, form global


This example shows how to use saveformat in a save button:

   <button sid="save_button">

When a user clicks this button, the form will be converted to XFDL format and saved to the user's drive.

XFDL format in form globals

This example shows how to use saveformat as a form global characteristic.

   <?xml version="1.0"?>
   <XFDL xmlns=""
      <globalpage sid="global">
         <global sid="global">
      <page sid="page_1">

Any time a user saves this form, it will be saved in XFDL format.

Usage details

  1. Default: The default format is the format that the form was in before it was parsed. For example, a form written in XFDL will be transmitted in XFDL, unless otherwise specified by this option.
  2. This option can also be included as a form global option and in the definitions of items that trigger save actions. These are button or cell items that have a type option setting of save.