
Specifies which datagroups are filtered for a particular signature.

Filtering a datagroup means keeping or omitting all of the data items that are in the specified datagroup.

For example, if a signdatagroups option specifies that the "attachments" datagroup should be kept, then all data items within the "attachments" group will be signed.

This filter applies to all data items present at the time of signing, including those added as enclosures.


      <filter>datagroup filter</filter>
      <datagroupref>datagroup reference1</datagroupref>
      <datagroupref>datagroup referencen</datagroupref> 
Note: There may be any number of datagroup reference entries.
Table 1. signdatagroups parameters
Parameter Type Description
datagroup filter keep include datagroups in the datagroup reference list with the signature; omit those not in the list
  omit omit datagroups in the datagroup reference list from the signature; include those not in the list
datagroup reference string identifies a datagroup whose data items will be filtered

Available in

button, signature


This example specifies a signdatagroups option that keeps the datagroup called “Business_Letters”.


Usage details

  1. Default: omit nothing (keep all data items), unless the containing page is omitted
  2. Since enclosed files can belong to several datagroups, and datagroups can contain several enclosed files, care must be exercised when setting up signdatagroups options to ensure that only the desired datagroups are filtered.
  3. Other filters may take precedence over the signdatagroups option. Refer to Order of precedence of filters for more information on the order of precedence of filters.