
Specifies individual items that are filtered for a particular signature.

Filtering an item reference means keeping or omitting specific items, rather than all items of a particular type (see signitems).


      <filter>item filter</filter>
      <itemref>item reference1</itemref>
      <itemref>item referencen</itemref>
Note: There may be any number of item reference entries.
Table 1. signitemrefs parameters
Parameter Type Description
item filter keep include items in the item reference list with the signature; omit those not in the list
  omit omit items in the item reference list from the signature; include those not in the list
item reference string specifies the item to be filtered

Available in

button, signature


This sample sets the signitemrefs option to omit two fields from the signature:


Usage details

  1. Default: omit nothing (keep all items), unless the containing page is omitted.
  2. Since all items have a name and type, signitemrefs filters are always applicable.
  3. When not signing the entire form, it is strongly recommended that an omit signitemrefs filter be used to exclude unwanted items, and that a keep signoptionrefs filter should be used to cover the layout of omitted items. See the Usage details for the signoptionrefs option for details.
  4. If this filter is used with the keep setting, then it is easy to add or delete items that would obscure or unobscure signed items without breaking a signature. The keep setting is useful as an optimization when you want to create a co-signature (i.e., a signature which signs another signature that uses omission logic).
  5. Other filters may take precedence over the signitemrefs option. Refer to Order of precedence of filters for more information on the order of precedence of filters.