
Specifies which namespaces are filtered for a particular signature.

Filtering a namespace means keeping or omitting all of the form elements and attributes that are in the specified namespace.

For example, if a signnamespaces option specifies that the namespace should be kept, then all elements in that namespace are signed.


      <filter>namespace filter</filter>
      <uri>namespace URI1</uri>
      <uri>namespace URIn</uri>
Note: There may be any number of namespace URI entries.
Table 1. signnamespaces parameters
Parameter Type Description
namespace filter keep include all form elements in the namespace URI list with the signature; omit those not in the list
  omit omit all form element that are in the namespaces in the namespace URI list from the signature; include those not in the list
namespace URI string identifies a namespace whose elements will be filtered

Available in

button, signature


This example shows a signnamespaces setting that omits the namespace.


Usage details

  1. Default: omit nothing (keep all namespaces).
  2. Other filters may take precedence over the signnamespaces option. Refer to Order of precedence of filters for more information on the order of precedence of filters.