
Specifies individual options that are filtered for a particular signature.

Filtering option references means keeping or omitting specific options, rather than all options of a particular type (see signoptions).


      <filter>option filter</filter>
      <optionref>option reference1</optionref>
      <optionref>option referencen</optionref>
Note: There may be any number of option reference entries.
Table 1. signoptionrefs parameters
Parameter Type Description
option filter keep include options in the option reference list with the signature; omit those not in the list
  omit omit options in the option reference list from the signature; include those not in the list
option reference string specifies the option to be filtered

Available in

button, signature


This example specifies a signoptionrefs setting that keeps a particular field with the signature.

Note: The page name may be dropped if the option in question is on the same page, but the item name must not be dropped.

Usage details

  1. Default: keep all options (omit nothing), unless the containing item is omitted.
  2. Note that, unlike signoptions, the signoptionrefs filter can cause an item to be included even if the item filters would normally omit the item. This is necessary in order to ensure that the hashed text of a signature is in valid XFDL format.
  3. It is strongly recommended that signoptionrefs be used to keep the itemlocation of items that have been omitted, and that all omitted items have an itemlocation with absolute and extent settings as the last two settings.
  4. Element tag names can be specified with or without a namespace prefix. The default namespace URI is the XFDL namespace URI if no namespace prefix is given. If a namespace prefix is given, then the namespace URI to which the prefix is bound is used in determining whether or not each element matches the given filter.

    For exampe, the filter component <optionref>page1.field1.value</optionref> could equivalently be written <optionref>page1.field1.xfdl:value</optionref> if the prefix xfdl is mapped to the XFDL namespace URI.

  5. Other filters may take precedence over the signoptionrefs option. Refer to Order of precedence of filters for more information on the order of precedence of filters.