
Suppresses the built-in label for some items, so that the label is not shown even if the label option or xforms:label option is set.

This is most useful when you are using XFDL to wrap an XForms control that includes labels that are not necessary in the visual presentation. For example, you might not want to display the labels of items in a table.

When the label is suppressed, the item is both displayed and printed as if no label were present at all. This means that both the appearance and size match an equivalent item with no label.


Table 1. suppresslabel parameter
Parameter Type Description
status on Suppress the item's built-in label.
  off Do not suppress the item's built-in label.

Available in

check, checkgroup, combobox, field, list, popup, radio, radiogroup, and slider


This example shows a table with one field in each row. The suppresslabel option has a compute that determines whether the field is in the first row, and suppresses the label if the field is not. This effectively creates a title row of labels on the first row of the table, then suppresses the labels for all subsequent rows.

   <table sid="customerTable">
      <xforms:repeat nodeset="customer">
         <field sid="nameField">
            <xforms:input ref="name">
            <suppresslabel compute="xforms.getPosInSet() == '1' ?
               'off' : 'on'"/>

Usage details

  1. Default: off.