
Specifies the format a form will be saved in. An XFDL form may be saved as XFDL compressed or uncompressed formats.

XFDL format submits the entire form definition, including user input.

Note: Form and page globals are sent only if the format is XFDL.


   <transmitformat>MIME type</transmitformat>
Table 1. transmitformat parameter
Parameter Type Description
MIME type application/vnd.xfdl use XFDL format
  application/vnd.xfdl; content-encoding="base64-gzip" use compressed XFDL format

Available in

action, button, cell, page global, form global


XFDL format

This example shows a button which, when clicked, will submit the form in XFDL format.

   <button sid="send_button">

When a user clicks the button, the entire form definition will be submitted, unless other transmit options specify a partial submission.

Usage details

  1. Default: The default is the format that the form was in before it was parsed. For example, a form written in XFDL will be transmitted in XFDL unless otherwise specified by this option.
  2. This option can be included as a form global option and in the definitions of items that trigger form submissions. These items have a type option setting of submit or done.