
Specifies types of items that are filtered for a particular transmission.

Filtering items means keeping or omitting all items of a particular type, rather than individual items (see transmititemrefs).


      <filter>transmit flag</filter>
      <itemtype>item type1</itemtype>
      <itemtype>item typen</itemtype>
Note: There may be any number of item type entries.
Table 1. transmititem parameters
Parameter Type Description
transmit flag keep include types of items in the item type list with the transmission; omit those not in the list
  omit omit types of items in the item type list from the transmission; include those not in the list
item type string identifies the type (element tag name) of items to be filtered

Available in

action, button, cell


This sample specifies that box, help, label, spacer, and toolbar items should be omitted from the form data submitted to the form processing application.


Usage details

  1. Default: omit nothing (keep all items), unless the containing page is omitted.
  2. Element tag names can be specified with or without a namespace prefix. The default namespace URI is the XFDL namespace URI if no namespace prefix is given. If a namespace prefix is given, then the namespace URI to which the prefix is bound is used in determining whether or not each element matches the given filter.

    For example, the filter component <itemtype>box</itemtype> could equivalently be written <itemtype>xfdl:box</itemtype> if the prefix xfdl is mapped to the XFDL namespace URI.

  3. Other filters may take precedence over the transmititems option. Refer to Order of precedence of filters for more information on the order of precedence of filters.