
Identifies the item that triggered a form submission. Items triggering form submissions have a type option setting of refresh, submit, or done.

When a user selects an item that triggers a form submission, the triggeritem option is added to the form globals and assigned the item reference of the selected item.

This option is not saved or transmitted as part of the form. Instead, it is automatically created each time the form is read into memory, and is maintained only during display or processing.


   <triggeritem>item reference</triggeritem>
Table 1. triggeritem parameters
Parameter Type Description
item reference string identifies the trigger item

Available in

form global


This sample indicates that the item triggering the request is on the page called “Page_one” and has is called “submit_button”.


Usage details

  1. Actions of type submit or done set the triggeritem to the SID of the triggering item. Actions of type refresh first clear the triggeritem by setting it to empty (""), then set the triggeritem to the SID of the triggering item.