
Associates an action type with an item that can trigger a task.


   <type>action type</type>
Table 1. type parameter
Parameter Type Description
action type (see the following) the task to perform

Action types

The action types can be any of the following:

Table 2. action types
Action type Action type description Use with the following XFDL items
cancel Closes the form; if any changes were made to the form since the last save or submit, then the user is informed that the form has changed and is allowed to choose whether the cancellation will proceed. Note that the value options of many items, as well as the contents of data items, may change in response to an enclose or remove action. action, button, cell
display Displays an enclosed file. The web browser will choose the appropriate viewer according to the file's MIME type. action, button cell
done Performs a submit followed by a cancel. All fields containing error checking on the current page must be correctly filled out before it can be closed. action, button, cell
enclose Allows the user to place one or more files into one or more of the datagroups defined for the form. The files will be encoded using base64 encoding format. button, cell
extract Allows a user to copy the contents of an enclosed file into a file on the local disk. button, cell
link Performs all requests specified by the url options in the current item. See url for more details. action, button, cell
pagedone Moves to the page specified in the url option. This closes the current page and replaces it with the new page. action, button, cell
print Prints the form on a local printer. action, button, cell
refresh Sets the triggeritem to "" and then to the full reference (including scope ID) of the item that triggered the refresh. action, button, cell
remove Allows the user to remove an item from a datagroup; the underlying data item will only be deleted if it belongs to no other datagroups. button, cell
replace Performs a link followed by a cancel. action, button, cell
saveform Saves the form to the current file name and location. If no file name has been set, prompts the user for a file name and location, then saves the file. action, button, cell
saveas Prompts the user for a file name and save location, then saves the file. action, button, cell
select With action items: the item's active option switches from off, to on, to off again. Additionally, if an xforms:action is contained within the action item, then the xforms:action is triggered.

With button items containing images: stores where on the image the button was clicked in the coordinates option.

With cell items: flags the cell as selected when a user chooses the cell. This means the item reference of the cell is copied to the value option of the parent list or popup.

action, button, cell
signature Creates a signature. button
submit Initiates the form processing applications identified in the url options of the current item. All fields containing error checking on the current page must be correctly filled out before it can be closed. action, button, cell

Available in

action, button, cell


This sample specifies that “BUTTON1” saves the form to a local file.

   <button sid="BUTTON1">

Usage details

  1. Default: select
  2. If a button that wraps an xforms:trigger option has a type of anything other than select, the xforms:trigger is overridden.