
Reflects the contents of an item.

Visually, this can take several forms, depending on the item to which it applies. For example, the value option in label items contains the label text; the value option in radio items contains a status indicator; and the value option in list items contains the scope identifer (sid) of the most recently selected cell (if it was a select cell).

An item's contents will be stored in the form whenever a user saves the form or submits it for processing. This is true even for inactive items and items using the default value option setting (in this case, a value option containing the default setting is added to the item's definition).


Table 1. value parameter
Parameter Type Description
setting string The item's contents

Available in

button, cell, check, checkgroup, combobox, field, help, label, list, popup, radio, radiogroup, richtext, slider


This sample identifies the text of a label item.

   <value>My Form Title</value>

Usage details

  1. Default: varies by item. Refer to the item in question for more information.
  2. Rich text fields use both the value and the rtf option to store the text of the field. Refer to the rtf option for more information.
  3. Multiple line values need to have carriage returns inserted in the code. For example:
       <value>This value spans
       two lines.</value>
  4. To get the value of a cell that a user has selected from a list or popup, dereference it in the following manner:

    For example:


    When a user selects a cell from a list, the scope identifer (sid) of the cell is stored as the value of the list. Hence the dereference syntax.

  5. If an item's orientation is set to Right-To-Left (rtl), then the text displayed by the item's value will be displayed Right-To-Left, unless the direction option is applied.