
Indicates whether or not the XFDL item contains XForms controls.

This option is not saved or transmitted as part of the form. Instead, it is automatically created each time the form is read into memory, and is maintained only during display or processing.


Table 1. xformsenabled parameters
Parameter Type Description
setting on The XFDL item contains XForms controls
  off The XFDL item does not contain XForms controls

Available in

button, check, checkgroup, combobox, field, label, list, pane, popup, radiogroup, richtext, slider, table

If the XFDL presentation item is contained by an xforms:group, xforms:switch, or xforms:repeat, then xformsenabled also applies to box, line, radio, spacer.


The following example shows an xformsenabled option.


Usage details

  1. If a presentation item is a direct child of a page then the following rules apply:
    • If the presentation item does not have an XForms control or the XForms control is not explicitly bound to a data element or nodeset then the xformsenabled option is on.
    • If the XForms control is explicitly bound to a single data element then the xformsenabled option is on only if the XForms binding is non-empty and the relevant model item property of the data element evaluates to true.
    • If the XForms control is explicitly bound to a nodeset then the xformsenabled option is on only if the nodeset is not empty and at least one node in the nodeset has a relevant model item property that evaluates to true.
  2. The xforms:group, xforms:switch, and xforms:repeat options override the relevance of any display elements they contain. As a result, if the XFDL presentation item is contained by an xforms:group, xforms:switch, or xforms:repeat, then the following rules apply:
    • A container is the pane or table that a wraps an xforms:group, xforms:switch, or xforms:repeat.
    • If the xformsenabled option of the container is off, then the xformsenabled option of the child XFDL presentation item is off.
    • If the xformsenabled option of the container is on, then the xformsenabled option of the child XFDL presentation item follows the same rules as a direct child of a page.
  3. The xformsenabled option is only created if it is directly referenced. For example, it is created if it is referenced by a compute.
  4. XFDL properties can use the xformsenabled option in a compute such as <display compute="xformsenabled"/>