Implicit options

There are some options that are defined within XFDL for the purpose of allowing them to be referenced without being defined by the form author. These options are dynamically added to the document object model (DOM) of the XFDL form while it is being processed, and they are removed when it is serialized. These options tend to be informational in nature or representative of events that can occur while the form is being processed.

activated, focused, and mouseover
Indicate whether the form, page or item has been activated or focused or contains the mouse pointer.
In the form global item, this option indicates whether the end-user of the form viewing program has changed the form.
At the page global level, records the scope identifier of the item that currently has the focus.
itemprevious, itemnext, itemfirst, itemlast
Used to help create a doubly linked list of items in each page. The itemprevious and itemnext options occur in each item, and itemfirst and itemlast appear at the page global level.
Records a keypress by the user that was not used as input to an XFDL item. The keypress is propagated upwards to the page and form global items.
pageprevious, pagenext, pagefirst, pagelast
Used to help create a doubly linked list of pages in the form. The pageprevious and pagenext options occur in each page, and pagefirst and pagelast appear at the form global level.
In the form global item, this option indicates whether the form is currently printing.
Appears in the form global item and defines the version of XFDL used to write the form. It is obtained from the XFDL namespace declaration.
Indicates whether or not the XFDL item contains XForms controls.
Indicates to the XFDL compute system whether or not the bound XForms instance data is xformsreadonly.
Indicates to the XFDL compute system whether or not the bound XForms instance data is required to have a value.
Indicates to the XFDL compute system whether or not the bound XForms instance data is valid.