XForms-related options

Binds to a node of instance data for the purpose of collecting/presenting a single line of text or piece of information. A <field> presents the text, and automatically translates various data types like dates and currencies to schema compliant values. A <check> item appears checked or unchecked based on an xsd:boolean interpretation of the bound instance node. The <combobox> skin is specific to date selection. A custom item skin can be used to help move any data from the XFDL layer to the instance.
Binds to a node of instance data for the purpose of collecting a single-line password. A <field> contains this option and presents itself as write-only.
Binds to a node of instance data for the purpose of collecting/presenting multiline plain text or enriched text in a <field> item.
Presents text or an image in a <label> item. If the control binds to a node of instance data, and the mediatype attribute contains an image-related type (e.g. image/*), then an image is presented. Otherwise, text is presented.
Provides the ability to select one from a set of choices. The presentation of the set of choices is governed by the item type that skins the control, which can be <popup>, <combobox>, <list>, <checkgroup>, or <radiogroup>
Provides the ability to select choices from a set of choices presented by a <checkgroup> or <list>.
Provides the ability to activate an <xforms:submission> appearing in an XForms model, as the result of activating either an XFDL <button> or <action> item.
Provides the ability to activate a sequence of XForms actions, as the result of activating either an XFDL <button> or <action> item.
Provides the ability for an XFDL button to attach content from the local computer system to a form by placing an encoded version of it into an indicated instance node.
Allows a set of user interface controls to be packaged together, visually and logically, with the <pane> item skin.
Appears in a <pane> skin item and offers grouping capabilities similar to an <xforms:group> except that multiple grouping cases can be specified and switched to during the run of the form.
Appears in the <table> item and provides the ability to iterate its content of XFDL items once per node in a set of nodes selected from the XForms instance data.
Sets the range of values a user can select with a <slider> item.