Data types

You can only declare one data type for each item. If you do not set the data type, XFDL will default to string.

Table 1. XFDL supports the following data types
Data Type Description Format Defaults To:
currency a fixed point decimal number with a scale of 2 and a range equal to the range of a float Any number. Automatically adds .00 to end, if no decimal value specified.
date a date including day-of-month, month, and year 3 Mar 2005
day_of_month the number of a day of the month 12
day_of_week the name or number of a day of the week Thu
date_time The date, including year, month, day, and the time, including at least hours and minutes
Note: If a date_time formatted field references a value in the instance, when the value is populated it is normalized to UTC. When the form is subsequently opened, the field will display a date and time that is localized to the time zone that the form was opened in.
5 Oct 2005 6:45:21 PM
float a positive or negative floating point decimal number in the range of 1.7 * 10-308 to 1.7 * 10308 Any decimal number.
integer a positive or negative whole number in the range of -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647 Any whole number.
month the name or number of a month Mar
string free form character data up to 32K long Any group of characters.
time a time value containing hours and minutes from the 12 hour or the 24 hour clock 11:23:21 PM
void disable entire format option (including data type, presentation, and constraints) no effect on contents of the item
year a numeric year designation 2005