Japanese (Japan) (ja-JP)

The following sections provide locale information for the Japanese (Japan) locale. This information includes default currency and mathematical characters, presentation settings, and input and output formats for dates.

Default Symbols

Table 1. The basic default symbols used for currency and mathematical expressions in this locale
Symbol Description Symbol
decimalseparator .
groupingseparator ,
Percent %
Zero Digit 0
Minus Sign -
Plus Sign +
Exponential E

Default Presentation Settings

Table 2. Default values for the presentation settings
Setting Default
negativeindicator (prefix) -
negativeindicator (suffix)  

Formats for Date Outputs

Table 3. Output format that is used for date related data types in each presentation
Data Type Style Output Format Example
date numeric yyyyMMdd 20030613
  short yy/MM/dd 03/06/13
  medium yyyy/MM/dd 2003/06/13
  long yyyy年M月d日 2003年6月13日
  full yyyy年M月d日EEEE 2003年6月13日金曜日
day_of_month numeric d 13
  short d 13
  medium d 13
  long d 13
  full d 13
day_of_week numeric e 6
  short e 6
  medium EEE
  long EEEE 金曜日
  full EEEE 金曜日
datetime numeric yyyyMMdd H.mm 20030613 18.52
  short yy/MM/dd H:mm 03/06/13 18:52
  medium yyyy/MM/dd H:mm:ss 2003/06/13 18:52:35
month numeric M 6
  short M 6
  medium MMM 6月
  long MMMM 6月
  full MMMM 6月
time numeric H.mm 18.52
  short H:mm 18:52
  medium H:mm:ss 18:52:35
year numeric yyyy 2003
  short yy 03
  medium yyyy 2003
  long yyyy 2003
  full yyyy G 2003 西暦

Formats for Date Inputs

Table 4. Applicable date input formats for this locale
Data Type Input Format Example
date yy/MM/dd 03/06/13
  yyyy/MM/dd 2003/06/13
  yyyy年M月d日 2003年6月13日
  yyyy年M月d日EEEE 2003年6月13日金曜日
  yyyyMMdd 20030613
day_of_month d 13
  dd 13
day_of_week e 6
  ee 06
  EEEE 金曜日
datetime yy/MM/dd H:mm 03/06/13 18:52
  yyyy/MM/dd H:mm:ss 2003/06/13 18:52:35
month M 6
  MM 06
  MMM 6月
  MMMM 6月
time H:mm 18:52
  H:mm:ss 18:52:35
year yy 03
  'yy yy
  yyyy 2003
  yyyy G 2003 西暦