
Items are the basic elements of a page. Each item on the page must have a unique scope identifier (sid.) You can also add custom items to your forms.

XForms items

XForms items are required when you are creating an XFDL form that contains an XForms data model.

These items are used to contain XForms constructs that do not normally exist in XFDL, such as tables and checkgroups that automatically repeat elements based on the structure of the data model.

XForms items follow the same syntax rules as XFDL items.

XFDL items

The syntax of an item definition is as follows:

   <itemType sid="itemTag">
      option definition1
      option definitionn
  • The itemType states the type of item to create. It must be one of the item types defined in this specification, or must be a custom item that follows the rules for custom items outlined in this specification.
  • The sid attribute is mandatory.
  • The value of each item sid must be unique in the page.

The sid attribute uniquely identifies an item. (See Scope identifiers (sid).) Every item sid in a page must be unique. The itemType element identifies the type of item to create. (For example, <field...> defines the item as a field.) This section contains information about XFDL-defined item types and the options available for each.

Note: Defining an option more than once in an item's definition is not permitted. See XFDL options and array elements for descriptions of each option type.