Adding additional files to forms

Many forms require users to add additional documentation as they are completing it. For example, a car insurance claim may require users to attach images of the damage to the vehicle and copies of the police report. To allow users to add these sorts of attachments, you must add attachment buttons to the form.

An attachment could be a word processing document, a text file, an HTML file, an image, or any other type of document or file. Attachments let your users:

Attachments are not displayed on the form but are stored within the actual form. After you attach a file to a form, changes to the original file on the user's computer will not affect the file attached to the form.

Attachments are stored in file folders within the form. Before you design a form, plan the folders you intend to use. For example, if you are creating an employee form, you may want to create two folders: one for performance evaluations and one for the employee's history. You may also want to limit which folders users can access. During form design, you define these folders as you attach files and set up attachment buttons.