Managing custom FormParts

You can manage custom FormParts by viewing a list of FormParts that are in a form, or by searching for forms that use a custom FormPart.

The advantage to using custom FormParts is that you can search for forms by FormPart.
  1. To see what custom FormParts are in a form:
    1. At the end of the Outline view, click FormParts.
      The FormParts section expands and displays the names of the custom FormParts used in the form.
    2. Expand the FormPart to see the pages in which it is used, as well as how many times the FormPart is used on a page.
  2. To search for forms that use a custom FormPart:
    1. Go to Search > FormPart.
      The Search window opens.
    1. Select the FormPart from the dropdown menu.
    2. Select the directory to search by clicking Add and browsing to the desired directory.
      If you are searching a main directory, you can select whether to search only the main directory or all sub directories. To search the sub directories, click the check box for Search in the sub directories.
    3. Click Search.
    When the search is complete, the Search view displays the folders containing the forms.