Using composite form items (FormParts)

FormParts are reusable composite form items that appear in the Palette as a form item.

There are many ways to use FormParts in your forms, for example:

Forms Designer comes with a set of default FormParts. When you add a default FormPart to your form, the FormPart's individual items are added inline to the form.

You can also create your own custom FormParts. Custom FormParts are stored separately from the form, allowing for greater reuse. For example, you can store multiple FormParts on a central server giving all Form Designers access to commonly used FormParts.

The advantage to using custom FormParts is that when you update a custom FormPart, the Designer asks you whether you want to update the forms that contain the updated custom FormPart, or leave the forms as is. As well, you can search for forms by FormPart.