Applying updated FormParts to multiple forms

When you edit and save a custom FormPart, you can apply the updated FormPart to any or all forms in which it is used.

To apply an updated custom FormPart to either a single form or multiple forms:
  1. Close the forms you want to update.
    Note: If you edit a FormPart that is used in form that is open in the workspace, when you click on the form you will be asked whether you want to update the FormPart.
  2. Click File > Update FormParts.
  3. Click Add Forms to open a directory of forms.
  4. Browse to the appropriate directory and select the forms that contain the FormPart.
    Note: You can select multiple forms by using either the Shift or Ctrl keys.
  5. Click OK to add the forms to the wizard window, then click Finish to apply the updated FormPart.
    The Update Log displays the results of the update.