Changing the grid size and line style

You can set the grid line style and spacing between the lines of the grid, depending on how close together you want your items to be.

To change the size of the grid and grid line style:
  1. Click Window > Preferences to open the Preferences window.
  2. Expand IBM® Forms Designer > Design Panel and to open the Design preferences.
  3. In the Grid settings section:
    • To change the grid style, choose Lines. The default line style is Dots.
    • To change the grid unit, select either Inches or Centimeters. The default grid unit is Pixels.
    • To change the spacing of the X axis, type a new value in the X Axis Spacing field.
    • To change the spacing of the Y axis, type a new value in the Y Axis Spacing field.
  4. Click Apply.
    The grid size automatically updates in the editor.
  5. Click OK to save changes and close the Preferences window.