Using layout tools

Layout tools include rulers, grids and snap-to features that allow you to quickly align items on your form. Turning layout tools on and off is done through the View menu.

When you turn layout tools on, you are able to quickly arrange your form in an appealing way. Fields and labels are easily arranged, providing a tidy form for your users. When you place items on your form from the Palette and the layout tools are on, blue guide lines appear to show you when items are aligned with one another.

Rulers and guides help you to measure the size and position of items on the form. Rulers measure items in inches or pixels. Guides are thin red lines that you can place directly on the form to help you align items manually

Snap options allow you to snap items to the grid, or to other items on the page. Snap To Grid forces an item to align automatically to a point on the grid as you move the item. When you place an item on the form, it moves automatically so that its top left corner is placed on the nearest grid point.

When moving an item on the canvas with Snap To Geometry enabled, guidelines appear when an item’s edge is lined up with another item on the form. The edges that can be used as snapping points are the top, left, right, bottom, and center.
  • You must drag items a minimum distance (at least three pixels) before the Designer repositions the item. This prevents accidental movement when double clicking the item.
  • When moving multiple items, the item in the top left of the group snaps to the grid, and all other items maintain their position relative to the top left item.
  • When dragging the edge of an item to change its size, the item's edge will also snap to the grid.
  • To nudge an item by the grid spacing, select the item, hold down the Ctrl key and press an arrow key.