Setting, moving and deleting guides

Guides are thin, red lines that you set and remove from your form to assist with page layout.

To set, move and delete a guide:

  1. To set a horizontal guide line, place your cursor in the vertical ruler and click.
    A horizontal guide line appears on the form. Your cursor is changed to a two-way arrow.
  2. To move the horizontal guide line, place your cursor with the guide line in the vertical ruler. Drag the guide to its new position and release the mouse button.
    To set and move a vertical guide, place your cursor in the horizontal ruler and click. Moving a vertical guide is identical to moving a horizontal guide.
  3. To delete a guide, within the ruler area, click on the guide you want to delete.
    The guide's marker becomes highlighted.
  4. Press Delete.
    You can also drag the guide marker off the ruler.